Make Time For More

Welcome to Pinch, your personal home concierge and lifestyle management support. We are here to simplify your daily tasks, making space for things that bring you joy.

Lifestyle Managers -
Your Personal Problem Solvers

Lifestyle Managers at Pinch are professionals dedicated to solving everyday problems. They are an extension of your family, anticipating your needs, coordinating and managing all your tasks and removing the persistent micro-stresses in your life. By doing this, they help you make time for more.
Rohan (2)Rohan (2)
Care from Afar
Rohan's career abroad kept him working late into the night, but his thoughts were consumed by worries for his ageing parents in India. Despite their reassurances, managing their medical appointments and daily needs while balancing his demanding job left him feeling overwhelmed and guilty.

The constant strain of coordinating doctor visits and ensuring their comfort took a toll, making Rohan feel torn between his professional success and his family's well-being.

Finding a Lifestyle Manager in India made all the difference. The Lifestyle Manager took over scheduling medical appointments, arranging transportation to doctors, and managing at-home care, providing Rohan's parents with the support they needed. This seamless assistance allowed Rohan to focus on his career, alleviating his constant worry and guilt, and ensuring his parents were well cared for.
Ila (1)Ila (1)
Unleashing Creativity
Ila, a renowned theatre artist, struggled to balance her creative work with managing household errands. The long hours at rehearsals coupled with the constant need to handle out-of-home tasks disrupted her creative rhythm, leaving her irritated and distracted. Her creative best was compromised by the mundane demands of daily life.

To regain her focus, Ila enlisted the help of her Lifestyle Manager, Ayushi. She was responsible for errand runs, meal planning, and grocery shopping. Ayushi ensured Ila always had a stocked pantry and nutritious meals, freeing her from the distraction of everyday chores.

With these tasks handled, Ila could fully immerse herself in her art. She found herself more inspired and productive. With her creativity unleashed, she is now ready to own the stage with her talent.

website stories page vertical imageswebsite stories page vertical images
Journey Together
As Priya and Raj returned to their busy jobs after their recent marriage, they faced the daunting task of setting up their new home. Balancing their demanding work schedules with the endless list of home tasks left them feeling pressured and distracted.

Priya reached out to her Lifestyle Manager, Ayushi, for assistance. Ayushi took charge by coordinating the delivery of essential furniture and appliances, scheduling local service providers for installations and repairs, and managing the final touches, from arranging for a professional cleaning service to setting up utility connections, ensuring the couple’s new home was both comfortable and functional.

With the heavy lifting taken care of, Priya and Arjun could focus on their new life together. They enjoyed settling into their home without the added pressure, savouring their new journey while everything else fell into place seamlessly.
Meera, Raj (1) (1)Meera, Raj (1) (1)
Restoring Balance
As Meera and Raj prepared for the arrival of their first child, their carefully balanced routine was thrown into chaos. Both were busy professionals, and the sudden demands of newborn care overwhelmed them, leaving their days in disarray. Their exhaustion grew as they struggled to manage work while adapting to the new responsibilities of parenting.

Feeling the weight of their new responsibilities, they reached out to Lavinia, their Lifestyle Manager. Within a short time, Lavinia arranged interviews with several qualified nannies who were experienced and trained in newborn care. She also connected them with a child wellness expert to address any concerns they had about their baby’s health and development.

With a suitable nanny in place and expert advice at hand, Meera and Raj found their routine settling back into place. They could now focus on cherishing the early moments with their baby, knowing that the practicalities were well taken care of.
Maya (1)Maya (1)
Solace in Support
When Maya's father-in-law passed away, her world turned upside down. The grief was overwhelming, and the practicalities of arranging the funeral, managing her father-in-law's estate, and supporting her family felt like an insurmountable task. With her routine shattered, Maya struggled to balance her professional responsibilities with the sudden demands on her time.

In her time of need, Maya reached out to Lavinia, her Lifestyle Manager. With calm efficiency, Lavania coordinated with funeral services, arranged legal consultations for the estate, and organised meals and childcare to ensure Maya's family was well-supported. She also took care of administrative tasks that involved notifying relevant institutions and managing paperwork, lifting the weight of numerous tasks from Maya’s shoulders. The weight of numerous tasks was lifted from Maya’s shoulders, allowing her to focus on her family and her own healing.

Maya found solace in knowing that, while she navigated this difficult transition, the logistics were in capable hands. This support provided Maya with the comfort and peace of mind she needed to focus on her family, allowing her to experience the precious moments of remembrance and recovery.
Suhasini (2)Suhasini (2)
Familiar Comfort
Suhasini was thrilled to move back to India after years abroad, eager to reconnect with family and friends. However, she was quickly overwhelmed by the need to renovate her new home, navigate local services, and manage the unpacking process.

The stress of coordinating contractors, handling repairs, and overseeing the renovation took a toll on her excitement. She found herself caught in the complexities of home setup, which dampened the joy of her return.

Her situation improved when a friend introduced her to a Lifestyle Manager. The Manager arranged for experienced contractors, coordinated the renovation work, and managed the entire setup of her home. By the time Suhasini arrived, her home was beautifully renovated and fully arranged, making it feel familiar and welcoming.
Tarini (1)Tarini (1)
Home Abroad
Ms.Lee’s mornings were a whirlwind of excitement and stress—new language, unpredictable weather, and the vibrant chaos of an unfamiliar city. Balancing her demanding Expat role with a long list of household tasks left her feeling overwhelmed, coming home to store-bought food and an unkempt space that drained her energy.

Things began to shift when she met her Lifestyle Manager, Ram, who understood her need to settle in a foreign environment. Ram arranged for a home cook and housekeeper, transforming her living space into a comfortable, well-managed home. This allowed Ms.Lee to start her day without worrying about chores, finally unpacking and decorating with comforting items from home.

With Ram’s support, Ms.Lee could focus on her job and enjoy living abroad. She returned each day to a place that felt like home.
Captain Rajesh (2)Captain Rajesh (2)
Calm Respite
After weeks of flying across different time zones, Captain Rajesh dreaded returning to his chaotic home in Delhi. His aged mother struggled to manage the household, leaving him to face a disorganised space and mounting maintenance issues every time he landed. Frustrated and worn out, Rajesh sought a solution.

Lavinia, his Lifestyle Manager, stepped in to help. She arranged for a professional cleaning service to deep-clean the house, coordinated urgent repairs and organised all household items. Lavinia also ensured that any outstanding maintenance issues were addressed and arranged for regular upkeep, so Rajesh’s home was always in top shape.

When Rajesh walked through his door, he found a clean, orderly home waiting for him. The stress of returning to chaos was replaced by the comfort and ease of a well-managed space, allowing him to enjoy his downtime and reconnect with his family without added worry.

Rajesh & Sugandha (1)Rajesh & Sugandha (1)
Golden Years of Independence
Rajesh and Sugandha, a retired couple in India, faced the challenge of maintaining their independence without burdening their children. The fear of becoming dependent on others left them feeling helpless and confused. They longed for a support system that allowed them to enjoy their later years without constantly reaching out to their children or grandchildren.

To address this, they turned to their Lifestyle Manager, Jyotika. She was informed of their wish to go on a trip abroad and took charge of all their travel planning and reservations, ensuring every leg of the trip was smooth and enjoyable. Jyotika also curated unique experiences, from cultural tours to relaxing retreats, allowing Rajesh and Sugandha to explore new horizons.

With Jyotika's support, Rajesh and Sugandha felt a renewed sense of freedom. They travelled worry-free, knowing all details were meticulously handled. They were able to enjoy their golden years with the peace of mind they deserved, relishing new adventures without the stress of planning and logistics.
Karan (2)Karan (2)
A Seamless Swing
Karan, a professional golfer, faced a relentless travel schedule, moving from tournament to tournament across the globe. Balancing his demanding career with family responsibilities, especially with the addition of his newborn daughter, left him feeling drained and distracted.

His profession meant that Karan would have to be at his peak physically as well as mentally. Therefore, juggling between the game and the needs of the home was proving to be too stressful for him. At the start of the season, Karan partnered with his Lifestyle Manager, Nikita. She immediately took charge of his travel and accommodation arrangements, ensuring he always had the best rooms with necessary amenities. She coordinated with personal chefs to deliver nutritionally balanced meals tailored to his training needs. At home, she arranged for a nanny and weekly grocery deliveries, easing the burden on his wife.

With his home life organised, and his family being taken care of, Karan was able to focus solely on his game. He not only enhanced his performance on the greens but also enriched his life beyond the links, spending more quality time with his loved ones.
Mr. Kapoor (2)Mr. Kapoor (2)
Smooth Sailing
As a busy business owner managing multiple homes, Mr. Kapoor found himself constantly juggling minor issues—leaky faucets, late bill payments, and unexpected repairs. The nagging small demands of maintaining his properties began to interfere with his main business responsibilities, leaving him feeling irritated and impatient.

Frustrated, Mr. Kapoor turned to his Lifestyle Manager, Manan, for help. Within no time, Manan had organised repairs, handled bill payments, and ensured tenants' concerns were addressed promptly. He took over the routine maintenance tasks and management, freeing Mr. Kapoor from the daily hassles.

With the small stresses taken care of, Mr.Kapoor was finally able to concentrate on his business without distraction. The seamless management of his properties allowed him to experience genuine comfort and peace, no matter where his work took him.
Ananya & SachetAnanya & Sachet
Staying Connected, Even When Apart
Ananya and Sachet, a couple with demanding careers, lived in different parts of the world. Managing different time zones, routines, and workplaces left them feeling anxious and helpless. The mental load of coordinating their lives while giving their best at work was overwhelming.

To ease their burden, they turned to Saurav, their Lifestyle Manager. He handled all travel planning and reservations, ensuring seamless visits whenever there was an opportunity to do so. Saurav also managed their recommendations and purchases, from ordering essentials to planning surprise gifts regardless of the occasion for each other, keeping their connection strong. Not only this, he was also able to cater to the needs of their families, thus ensuring everyone’s overall well-being.

With Saurav’s support, Ananya and Sachet could focus on their careers without the stress of managing logistics. They felt more connected and less anxious, knowing their family needs were expertly handled. They were able to maintain a strong relationship despite the distance, while still being able to excel in their careers.
Aditi (1)Aditi (1)
Life Simplified
Aditi's days were consumed by back-to-back meetings and managing her growing startup, leaving her little time for home chores. Simple tasks like coordinating with her cook and handling grocery runs piled up, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and distracted from both her work and family.

Recognizing her need for support, Aditi reached out to her Lifestyle Manager, who promptly took over household responsibilities. He managed meal planning, organised groceries, and ensured the home ran smoothly, freeing Aditi from daily chores.

With her home in capable hands, Aditi could concentrate on her business without the constant distraction of home management. She found more quality time with her family, achieving a balance that allowed her career to thrive.
Curated Comfort
Arjun’s intense work schedule left him overwhelmed by the task of managing weekly household supplies. The time spent on grocery shopping and restocking essentials was cutting into his productivity and personal time.

Turning to Pinch for help, Arjun was assigned Nikita, a dedicated Lifestyle Manager. Nikita took over the entire process: she conducted an inventory of Arjun’s needs, set up automatic deliveries, and managed relationships with vendors. She also ensured the best prices and tracked deliveries to avoid any interruptions.

With Nikita handling the procurement of groceries and household essentials, Arjun could finally focus on his demanding career and find little joys in life beyond the boardroom as well.
A New Beginning
Aarav's role as a senior manager at a bustling company kept him on his toes.When the decision came to move his family from Pune to Bangalore, his meticulously organised routine was upended by an avalanche of tasks. One evening, surrounded by boxes and an endless to-do list, Aarav felt the weight of the impending move.

The pressure of coordinating movers, finding a new school for his children, and setting up their new home left him overwhelmed and distracted at work. Balancing his demanding job while managing the relocation seemed impossible. Aarav needed a solution to restore order and calm to his life.

With his Lifestyle Manager, Khushboo’s assistance, Aarav’s relocation came together smoothly. Khushboo arranged a trusted moving company, found a suitable school, and even ensured the new home was move-in ready with utilities set up and essentials stocked. Aarav’s family quickly settled into their new surroundings, allowing him to focus on work and enjoy quality time with his loved ones, embracing their new chapter without the stress.
Rohan (1)Rohan (1)
Care from Afar
Rohan's career abroad kept him working late into the night, but his thoughts were consumed by worries for his ageing parents in India. Despite their reassurances, managing their medical appointments and daily needs while balancing his demanding job left him feeling overwhelmed and guilty.

The constant strain of coordinating doctor visits and ensuring their comfort took a toll, making Rohan feel torn between his professional success and his family's well-being.

Finding a Lifestyle Manager in India made all the difference. The Lifestyle Manager took over scheduling medical appointments, arranging transportation to doctors, and managing at-home care, providing Rohan's parents with the support they needed. This seamless assistance allowed Rohan to focus on his career, alleviating his constant worry and guilt, and ensuring his parents were well cared for.
Unleashing Creativity
Ila, a renowned theatre artist, struggled to balance her creative work with managing household errands. The long hours at rehearsals coupled with the constant need to handle out-of-home tasks disrupted her creative rhythm, leaving her irritated and distracted. Her creative best was compromised by the mundane demands of daily life.

To regain her focus, Ila enlisted the help of her Lifestyle Manager, Ayushi. She was responsible for errand runs, meal planning, and grocery shopping. Ayushi ensured Ila always had a stocked pantry and nutritious meals, freeing her from the distraction of everyday chores.

With these tasks handled, Ila could fully immerse herself in her art. She found herself more inspired and productive. With her creativity unleashed, she is now ready to own the stage with her talent.

Priya, Raj (1) (1)Priya, Raj (1) (1)
Journey Together
As Priya and Raj returned to their busy jobs after their recent marriage, they faced the daunting task of setting up their new home. Balancing their demanding work schedules with the endless list of home tasks left them feeling pressured and distracted.

Priya reached out to her Lifestyle Manager, Ayushi, for assistance. Ayushi took charge by coordinating the delivery of essential furniture and appliances, scheduling local service providers for installations and repairs, and managing the final touches, from arranging for a professional cleaning service to setting up utility connections, ensuring the couple’s new home was both comfortable and functional.

With the heavy lifting taken care of, Priya and Arjun could focus on their new life together. They enjoyed settling into their home without the added pressure, savouring their new journey while everything else fell into place seamlessly.
Meera, RajMeera, Raj
Restoring Balance
As Meera and Raj prepared for the arrival of their first child, their carefully balanced routine was thrown into chaos. Both were busy professionals, and the sudden demands of newborn care overwhelmed them, leaving their days in disarray. Their exhaustion grew as they struggled to manage work while adapting to the new responsibilities of parenting.

Feeling the weight of their new responsibilities, they reached out to Lavinia, their Lifestyle Manager. Within a short time, Lavinia arranged interviews with several qualified nannies who were experienced and trained in newborn care. She also connected them with a child wellness expert to address any concerns they had about their baby’s health and development.

With a suitable nanny in place and expert advice at hand, Meera and Raj found their routine settling back into place. They could now focus on cherishing the early moments with their baby, knowing that the practicalities were well taken care of.
Solace in Support
When Maya's father-in-law passed away, her world turned upside down. The grief was overwhelming, and the practicalities of arranging the funeral, managing her father-in-law's estate, and supporting her family felt like an insurmountable task. With her routine shattered, Maya struggled to balance her professional responsibilities with the sudden demands on her time.

In her time of need, Maya reached out to Lavinia, her Lifestyle Manager. With calm efficiency, Lavania coordinated with funeral services, arranged legal consultations for the estate, and organised meals and childcare to ensure Maya's family was well-supported. She also took care of administrative tasks that involved notifying relevant institutions and managing paperwork, lifting the weight of numerous tasks from Maya’s shoulders. The weight of numerous tasks was lifted from Maya’s shoulders, allowing her to focus on her family and her own healing.

Maya found solace in knowing that, while she navigated this difficult transition, the logistics were in capable hands. This support provided Maya with the comfort and peace of mind she needed to focus on her family, allowing her to experience the precious moments of remembrance and recovery.
Suhasini (1)Suhasini (1)
Familiar Comfort
Suhasini was thrilled to move back to India after years abroad, eager to reconnect with family and friends. However, she was quickly overwhelmed by the need to renovate her new home, navigate local services, and manage the unpacking process.

The stress of coordinating contractors, handling repairs, and overseeing the renovation took a toll on her excitement. She found herself caught in the complexities of home setup, which dampened the joy of her return.

Her situation improved when a friend introduced her to a Lifestyle Manager. The Manager arranged for experienced contractors, coordinated the renovation work, and managed the entire setup of her home. By the time Suhasini arrived, her home was beautifully renovated and fully arranged, making it feel familiar and welcoming.
Home Abroad
Ms.Lee’s mornings were a whirlwind of excitement and stress—new language, unpredictable weather, and the vibrant chaos of an unfamiliar city. Balancing her demanding Expat role with a long list of household tasks left her feeling overwhelmed, coming home to store-bought food and an unkempt space that drained her energy.

Things began to shift when she met her Lifestyle Manager, Ram, who understood her need to settle in a foreign environment. Ram arranged for a home cook and housekeeper, transforming her living space into a comfortable, well-managed home. This allowed Ms.Lee to start her day without worrying about chores, finally unpacking and decorating with comforting items from home.

With Ram’s support, Ms.Lee could focus on her job and enjoy living abroad. She returned each day to a place that felt like home.
Captain Rajesh (1)Captain Rajesh (1)
Calm Respite
After weeks of flying across different time zones, Captain Rajesh dreaded returning to his chaotic home in Delhi. His aged mother struggled to manage the household, leaving him to face a disorganised space and mounting maintenance issues every time he landed. Frustrated and worn out, Rajesh sought a solution.

Lavinia, his Lifestyle Manager, stepped in to help. She arranged for a professional cleaning service to deep-clean the house, coordinated urgent repairs and organised all household items. Lavinia also ensured that any outstanding maintenance issues were addressed and arranged for regular upkeep, so Rajesh’s home was always in top shape.

When Rajesh walked through his door, he found a clean, orderly home waiting for him. The stress of returning to chaos was replaced by the comfort and ease of a well-managed space, allowing him to enjoy his downtime and reconnect with his family without added worry.

Rajesh & Sugandha (2)Rajesh & Sugandha (2)
Golden Years of Independence
Rajesh and Sugandha, a retired couple in India, faced the challenge of maintaining their independence without burdening their children. The fear of becoming dependent on others left them feeling helpless and confused. They longed for a support system that allowed them to enjoy their later years without constantly reaching out to their children or grandchildren.

To address this, they turned to their Lifestyle Manager, Jyotika. She was informed of their wish to go on a trip abroad and took charge of all their travel planning and reservations, ensuring every leg of the trip was smooth and enjoyable. Jyotika also curated unique experiences, from cultural tours to relaxing retreats, allowing Rajesh and Sugandha to explore new horizons.

With Jyotika's support, Rajesh and Sugandha felt a renewed sense of freedom. They travelled worry-free, knowing all details were meticulously handled. They were able to enjoy their golden years with the peace of mind they deserved, relishing new adventures without the stress of planning and logistics.
Karan (3)Karan (3)
A Seamless Swing
Karan, a professional golfer, faced a relentless travel schedule, moving from tournament to tournament across the globe. Balancing his demanding career with family responsibilities, especially with the addition of his newborn daughter, left him feeling drained and distracted.

His profession meant that Karan would have to be at his peak physically as well as mentally. Therefore, juggling between the game and the needs of the home was proving to be too stressful for him. At the start of the season, Karan partnered with his Lifestyle Manager, Nikita. She immediately took charge of his travel and accommodation arrangements, ensuring he always had the best rooms with necessary amenities. She coordinated with personal chefs to deliver nutritionally balanced meals tailored to his training needs. At home, she arranged for a nanny and weekly grocery deliveries, easing the burden on his wife.

With his home life organised, and his family being taken care of, Karan was able to focus solely on his game. He not only enhanced his performance on the greens but also enriched his life beyond the links, spending more quality time with his loved ones.
Mr. KapoorMr. Kapoor
Smooth Sailing
As a busy business owner managing multiple homes, Mr. Kapoor found himself constantly juggling minor issues—leaky faucets, late bill payments, and unexpected repairs. The nagging small demands of maintaining his properties began to interfere with his main business responsibilities, leaving him feeling irritated and impatient.

Frustrated, Mr. Kapoor turned to his Lifestyle Manager, Manan, for help. Within no time, Manan had organised repairs, handled bill payments, and ensured tenants' concerns were addressed promptly. He took over the routine maintenance tasks and management, freeing Mr. Kapoor from the daily hassles.

With the small stresses taken care of, Mr.Kapoor was finally able to concentrate on his business without distraction. The seamless management of his properties allowed him to experience genuine comfort and peace, no matter where his work took him.
Ananya & Satchet (1)Ananya & Satchet (1)
Staying Connected, Even When Apart
Ananya and Sachet, a couple with demanding careers, lived in different parts of the world. Managing different time zones, routines, and workplaces left them feeling anxious and helpless. The mental load of coordinating their lives while giving their best at work was overwhelming.

To ease their burden, they turned to Saurav, their Lifestyle Manager. He handled all travel planning and reservations, ensuring seamless visits whenever there was an opportunity to do so. Saurav also managed their recommendations and purchases, from ordering essentials to planning surprise gifts regardless of the occasion for each other, keeping their connection strong. Not only this, he was also able to cater to the needs of their families, thus ensuring everyone’s overall well-being.

With Saurav’s support, Ananya and Sachet could focus on their careers without the stress of managing logistics. They felt more connected and less anxious, knowing their family needs were expertly handled. They were able to maintain a strong relationship despite the distance, while still being able to excel in their careers.
Life Simplified
Aditi's days were consumed by back-to-back meetings and managing her growing startup, leaving her little time for home chores. Simple tasks like coordinating with her cook and handling grocery runs piled up, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and distracted from both her work and family.

Recognizing her need for support, Aditi reached out to her Lifestyle Manager, who promptly took over household responsibilities. He managed meal planning, organised groceries, and ensured the home ran smoothly, freeing Aditi from daily chores.

With her home in capable hands, Aditi could concentrate on her business without the constant distraction of home management. She found more quality time with her family, achieving a balance that allowed her career to thrive.
Arjun-busy career (2)Arjun-busy career (2)
Curated Comfort
Arjun’s intense work schedule left him overwhelmed by the task of managing weekly household supplies. The time spent on grocery shopping and restocking essentials was cutting into his productivity and personal time.

Turning to Pinch for help, Arjun was assigned Nikita, a dedicated Lifestyle Manager. Nikita took over the entire process: she conducted an inventory of Arjun’s needs, set up automatic deliveries, and managed relationships with vendors. She also ensured the best prices and tracked deliveries to avoid any interruptions.

With Nikita handling the procurement of groceries and household essentials, Arjun could finally focus on his demanding career and find little joys in life beyond the boardroom as well.

More Time. Fewer To-Dos.

From out-of-home errands, appointments, recommendations and purchases, to home services – let us take care of everyday chores so you can do what matters the most.

How It Works?

  • Your journey with Pinch begins with a simple sign-up. Drop in your query and we’ll schedule a call to understand why you need us and how we can help.
  • If you’re happy with what you hear, we will introduce you to your Lifestyle Manager to understand and address your immediate concerns. Over time, they will begin anticipating your needs, ensuring a continuous journey towards an uncomplicated life.
  • It is a simple subscription model where we handle all the transactions on your behalf. At the end of each month, we provide you with a consolidated bill for all the services rendered, including our subscription fee. It’s that easy.

Do You Really Need Us?

We want to make a meaningful difference in your life and we are here to help if there is a genuine opportunity to do so. Your perspective on life matters to us and if there are any specific problems where we can help. So, take our quiz to see if we’re the right fit for you.

Got Questions? Let Us Help.
Got Questions? Let Us Help

We understand you may have a few questions regarding our services.

Book an online meeting with us to learn more.

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