Manage All Your Properties With Ease

Trained manpower, housekeeping, bill payments, repairs and maintenance, tenancy management- outsource all your worries to us and focus on what matters most to you.

Make The Most Of Your Properties

Owning multiple properties while balancing daily life can be overwhelming—endless tenant searches, maintenance demands, absentee caretakers and more.

Whether an apartment, a bungalow or a farmhouse, let us manage your second home and help you monetize it better with our services.

For Landlors

What You Get

Retain your property’s freshness with daily and scheduled cleaning, horticulture and waste management. Get assistance with gas, water, electricity provisions and timely bill payments.
Be at ease with reliable, trained and verified household staff to manage your property. Get ad hoc back-ups and replacements whenever you need them.
Preserve your assets with our preventive maintenance services. Get on-demand repairs and timely servicing of appliances done without any fuss.
From conceptualisation to execution with complete project management, we transform your living space.
Rely on us to manage your tenant search, property visits, contract closures, and tenant issues and exits.
Got Questions? Let Us Help.
Got Questions? Let Us Help

We understand you may have a few questions regarding our services.

Book an online meeting with us to learn more.

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